This is a very elegant dish good for a nice simple meal. Tasty and pretty enough for company, but my husband and I enjoy it as a nice weekend meal. The...
Lemon, garlic, shallots, butter, fresh herbs, and white wine combine to create a delightful shrimp dish that is full of flavor. Once the prep is done,...
This is always a hit. The best part is how fast you can whip it up! You could just buy roasted tomatoes in a jar, but I think roasting them yourself gives...
The shrimp scampi that even those that aren't shrimp lovers will become one! With a slight bold spicy flavor, it will soon be a family-favorite as it is...
This is a great date night meal! It will make a ton of leftovers, so you can send some home with your boo. I make this with a decent bottle of Sauvignon...
I've been tinkering with scampi recipes for a while and was never quite satisfied until the other night when I created this one. Everyone raved and said...
I've been tinkering with scampi recipes for a while and was never quite satisfied until the other night when I created this one. Everyone raved and said...
I've been tinkering with scampi recipes for a while and was never quite satisfied until the other night when I created this one. Everyone raved and said...
This recipe is a combination of a couple scampi recipes I have used, mixed with a little creativity. It's a creation that 3 family members and 2 close...
Scampi is possibly my favorite shrimp dish, but dunking the fried baguette into the sauce may actually be even better than the shrimp! Add Cajun seasoning...
This is a great date night meal! It will make a ton of leftovers, so you can send some home with your boo. I make this with a decent bottle of Sauvignon...
The shrimp scampi that even those that aren't shrimp lovers will become one! With a slight bold spicy flavor, it will soon be a family-favorite as it is...
The shrimp scampi that even those that aren't shrimp lovers will become one! With a slight bold spicy flavor, it will soon be a family-favorite as it is...
This shrimp scampi is transformed into a keto meal by using shirataki noodles. I like to double the amount of crushed red chiles for an extra kick! This...
This shrimp scampi recipe varies from the typical one as there are sun dried tomatoes in the recipe. This is like eye candy when presented in a warmed...
The shrimp scampi that even those that aren't shrimp lovers will become one! With a slight bold spicy flavor, it will soon be a family-favorite as it is...
I've received a bunch of requests to make this, and after tasting it, I understand why. If you're a garlic lover, you're going to want to pull out your...
A twist on shrimp scampi that I threw together for my hungry husband one day, made with things I had in the cupboard. It went over so well that it is a...
Scampi is possibly my favorite shrimp dish, but dunking the fried baguette into the sauce may actually be even better than the shrimp! Add Cajun seasoning...
I've been tinkering with scampi recipes for a while and was never quite satisfied until the other night when I created this one. Everyone raved and said...
The shrimp scampi that even those that aren't shrimp lovers will become one! With a slight bold spicy flavor, it will soon be a family-favorite as it is...
The shrimp scampi that even those that aren't shrimp lovers will become one! With a slight bold spicy flavor, it will soon be a family-favorite as it is...
I've been tinkering with scampi recipes for a while and was never quite satisfied until the other night when I created this one. Everyone raved and said...
The shrimp scampi that even those that aren't shrimp lovers will become one! With a slight bold spicy flavor, it will soon be a family-favorite as it is...